
The Council is the guiding body of Women With Wings. From running the non-profit to supporting group harmony, the Council works towards sustaining Women With Wings into the future.  The Council is made up of up to nine members of Women With Wings who commit to a minimum of 6 months.  The meetings typically occur the second Thursday of the month after the Singing Circle. 

The process we use to facilitate our council meeting was initially informed by Peace and Power, Creative Leadership for Building Community, by Peggy Chinn and we have evolved our own process to build consensus for decision making.

Here is our usual flow for meetings:

1)  Gather and Ground - We usually circle round and hold hands while vocalizing an om, hum, or song.

2)  Check In: “My name is ____.” 

                        “My reflection of our last meeting’s process ____.”

                        “Right now I am feeling ____.”

                        “My intention for this meeting is ____.”

3)  Select:      Convener 

                        Note Taker

                        Time Keeper

4)  Create an agenda:     

Read perpetual calendar

    List items, prioritize, and set times for each item or set end time.

                       Include last month’s meeting’s values issues if needed, minutes from last month, and Treasurer’s Report.

5)  Read last month’s minutes, consent on approval, and review decisions.

6)  Discuss agenda items using Revolving Chair with Circling and Sparking as needed, make decisions by values-based decision-making.

7)  Review decisions made at this meeting and people responsible.

8)  Begin agenda for the next meeting.

9)  Check Out: “My name is ____.”

                           “I appreciate ____.”

                           “My reflection on how well we lived our values _____.”

                           “I affirm ____.”
10)  Ground and disperse:  Again, we often sing, chant, or vocalize to reconnect before leaving the circle.